Over $193,370 total dollars have been spent generating nearly 400,000 in habitat, education, research and public awareness in 19 years!
2024 Luther FFA Shooting Team donation for selling the most Red, White and Blue raffle tickets ever, $10,020 at our 19th Annual banquet! The chapter donates 10% of the RWB raffle ticket sales to the team every year for their assistance at the banquet.
Another COK QF donation for a UTV and skid steer attachment to be used on NW OK WMA’s to help maintain the habitat in order to grow more WILD QUAIL.
Annual donation to the Luther FFA Shooting Team for their partnership with the Central Oklahoma Chapter banquets.
Donation for Cross Timbers WMA for the purchase of an ATV with matching PR funds. Central OK Chapter has been assisting in habitat projects on Cross Timbers WMA since 2012.
Starting off 2023 with yet another donation for a DFM Turbosaw w/ herbicide sprayer to be used for Eastern Red Cedar removal on NW OK WMA’s including Sand Hills, Cimarron Hills and Cimarron Bluff.
Latest donation to ODWC; $5,000 towards Packsaddle, Black Kettle, and Ellis WMA’s improvements with fire equipment and seed plus $1,000 towards NW Oklahoma WMA’s for burn equipment to be used on Cimmaron Bluffs and Hills, Sand Hills and others.
More habitat dollars donated to ODWC including $2,000 to Cross Timbers WMA. From left, ODWC Chief of Wildlife Bill Dinkines, PF/QF Regional Rep Laura McIver, ODWC Director JD Strong, ODWC Upland Game Biologist Tell Jenkins and QF Central Oklahoma Chapter President Troy Ellefson.
Central Oklahoma Quail Forever donated $5,000 to the ODWC Stars & Stripes License Project to buy hunting and fishing licenses for military in Oklahoma. Funds were generated during the chapter's 13th Annual fundraising banquet August 18, 2018.
Presenting metal artwork used to raise funds for the Wildlife Department's Stars & Stripes License Project are, from left, Department Wildlife Chief Alan Peoples, Department Director J.D. Strong, Department Assistant Director Melinda Streich, James Dietsch and Laura McIver, both of Central Oklahoma Quail Forever.
Chapter donation to the OU Shotgun Shooting Team.
Central Oklahoma Chapter donation to ODWC for habitat improvements on Hal and Fern Cooper WMA in NW OK.
Hands on Habitat seed purchase
Burn equipment purchased and donated to ODWC for use on Beaver River WMA in OK panhandle.
Central Oklahoma Quail Forever donated towards the purchase of Drummond Flats WMA in N. Central OK.
Central Oklahoma Quail Forever Chapter with another donation to ODWC for habitat improvements in Oklahoma.
Thanks to your generous contributions, over $194,370 total dollars have been spent generating nearly $400,000 in projects, education, research and public awareness in 19 years.
Habitat Projects – $128,370 spent to generate nearly $375,000 worth of funds toward habitat.
1) Our very first project in 2006! A donation of $4,000 that created (with matching funds) a $12,000 habitat improvement project on Packsaddle Wildlife Management Area, Ellis County, Oklahoma (Removed Old World Blue Stem and replaced 50 acres of native grasses along with removing 3.77 miles of fencing that allows more even cattle grazing distribution and easier hunter access). The public hunting area today is a living, breathing bonanza of beautiful quail habitat with active quail coveys on the property - This is one reason we do what we do!
2) Habitat donation of $20,000 for the purchase of a Marshall Tree Saw attachment for use on wildlife management areas in the Southwest Region
3) Habitat donation of $8,000 to Cross Timbers WMA. The money donated will generate an approximate $32,000 project to purchase an offset disc necessary to create and maintain firebreaks to facilitate prescribed burns along with restoration of native grasses and shrubs in areas that need it.
4) Habitat donation of $4,200 for the purchase of 2 v-cutter attachments, transfer pump & water tender. One v-cutter will be based at the SW Region office and will be used for upland wildlife habitat enhancement on region WMA’s. The second v-cutter and the water tender will be maintained at Sandy Sanders WMA, but will also be available for use on all 5 regional WMAs.
5) Habitat donation $2,175 to ODWC for Cooper and Fort Supply WMAs to provide for the purchase of a V-cutter grapple bucket attachment and the completion of a portable fire suppression skid unit. Both will help to eradicate Eastern Red Cedar and help utilize prescribed burning for managing and improving habitat for wildlife for not only Cooper and Fort Supply, but be used for the NW region and Western OK.
6) Donation of $1,000 to the Drummond Flats NAWCA Phase 1 acquisition in north central Oklahoma. The Drummond Flats WMA was purchased in 2006 through a coalition of numerous partners to purchase the 4,653 acres.
7) Burn equipment purchase of $6,185 to be used on Beaver WMA as part of ODWC quail research project, Beaver County, Oklahoma. And other WMAs in the NW.
8) Habitat donation of $5,000 to Cross Timbers Wildlife Management Area, Love County, Oklahoma. The purpose of this project is to purchase 12,500 sand plum seedlings to replace fescue and Bermuda grasses prevalent in the WMA for improving quail populations. The money donated will generate an approximate $20,000 project
9) Donated $14,600 to date to purchase and outfit prescribed burn trailers for the Oklahoma Prescribed Burning Association to be used to conduct burns statewide through local burn associations.
10) Donated $833 (in conjunction with 3 other chapters) for the purchase of a disk harrow for use on the Honobi Creek and Three Rivers WMA’s in southeastern Oklahoma.
11) An additional donation of $5,000 was made to Cross Timbers WMA in September of 2015 for another sand plum planting.
12) Donated $3,000 to ODWC for the purchase of an equipment trailer to haul equipment for habitat manipulation at the Grady County WMA and Lexington WMA
13) Donated $2,875 to purchase burn equipment for Hackberry Flat WMA in Southwestern Oklahoma. This equipment will be used throughout the Southwest region
14) A $2,500 donation to Cross Timbers WMA for the purchase of a Skid Steer and attachments to control and maintain woody plants
15) Donated $937 for burn equipment to be used at Osage, Hulah, and Copan WMA’s
16) Donated $1,085 for the purchase of burn equipment for use on the Ouachita WMA in Southeastern Oklahoma spring of 2017
17) Donated $1,137 to purchase rotary cutter for brush control on Three Rivers WMA
18) Donated $2,500 for purchase of native grass seed for Cross Timbers WMA
19) Donated $2,500 to OLAP habitat incentives
20) Donated $12,500 to support QF Farm Bill Biologists in Oklahoma in 2017-2024
21) Donated $440 for nest & brood rearing habitat and food plot for Three Rivers WMA
22) Donated $2,388 to purchase burn equipment for Heyburn, Keystone, and Three Rivers/Honobia Creek WMA’s and native grass seed and sandplum seedlings for Cross Timbers WMA
23) Donated $2,000 to Oklahoma State Habitat fund for land acquisition on Arbuckle Springs WMA
24) Donated $1,200 to Deep Fork WMA for the purchase of a disk to build and maintain firebreaks and strip disking
25) Donated $1,500 to Cross Timbers WMA for the purchase of sand plum seedlings
26) Donated $5,000 to Black Kettle and Packsaddle WMA’s for equipment and food plot seed
27) Purchased $672.49 of seed for land improvements in central OK
28) Donated $1,000 to Cimarron Hills, Cimarron Bluffs, and Sandhills WMA for ATV for prescribed burns
29) Donated $2,000 to Cross Timbers WMA for the purchase of ATV and sprayer w/matching federal funds totaling $8,000
30) Donation of $3,750 for DFM Turbo-saw with herbicide sprayer to be used to control eastern red cedar on NW WMA’s w/matching federal funds totaling $15,000
31) Donation of 5,332 for a UTV to be used on Cimmaron Hills and Bluffs WMA as well as Sand Hills WMA. $21.328 with matching funds.
32) Donation of $2,500 for the purchase of a Fire Skid Unit for the UTV in NW OK. $10,000 with matching funds.
33) Hands on Habitat Project ’24 (Jet, OK) with purchase of $580 of seed mixes.
Youth Education, Events & Shooting – over $28,500 spent
1) Host & Fund annual youth education shoots free to participants that includes instruction, shooting clays, shells, and lunch
2) Annual $1000 donation to the Path to the Uplands (No Child Left Indoors Initiative)
3) Donations annually to the Luther FFA Shooting Team (annual donation for working banquet)
4) Hosted the 2014 Whistlerfest at the Arcadia Conservation and Education area which introduced youth to a variety of outdoor activities
5) Donations to the Oklahoma Youth Hunter Education Challenge OKYHEC
6) Sponsor scholarships to the Leopold Education Project (LEP) annual conference
7) Donation to the ECU Shooting Team
8) Donation to the NOC Shooting Team
9) Donation to the University of Oklahoma Clay Target Team
Public Awareness Education, Events – a total of $32,500 spent:
1) Annual $1000 Donation to the Quail Forever Legislative Action Fund
2) Annual Sponsor of the OK State Habitat Conventions
3) Host & Funded 5 yrs of annual military appreciation family shoot and picnic free to participants reaching more than 300 military & family.
4) Hosted Wounded Warrior Quail Hunt
5) Help fund Lesser Prairie Chicken (LPC) Ranch Conversation seminars held by the High Plains RC&D Council
6) Donation to the Southeastern Quail Study Group meeting held at Quartz Mountain in southwestern Oklahoma
7) Donation to the Red River Quail Symposium hosted by Fred Guthery of Oklahoma and Dale Rollins of Texas
8) Donation to the Southeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
9) Donation of $750 to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Upland Game department for the publication of the upcoming Quail Crop Seed Identification guide that will benefit both hunters and landowners interested in managing quail.
10) Donations totaling $5500 to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife for the Stars and Strips Veteran Licensing program.
11) Donation of $500 to the Pushmataha WMA Field Day, $900 to the Cross Timbers WMA Field Day among others
Research projects – a total of $5,000 donated for research not including time spent:
1) Donation to the Cross Timbers Experimental Range in north central Oklahoma
2) Donations to the OSU Game Bird Research Fund in Stillwater
3) Assisted OSU/ODWC in a quail research bird survey from 2012 to 2014 on both Packsaddle WMA and Beaver WMA as part of a post reproduction quail study
4) Participated in the Timber Land Quail Hunt and Data Collection in SE Oklahoma in 2015-2018
5) Members participate in Fall Covey Counts on WMA’s as a part of NBCI monitoring
Rev Au 2024